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Created 28-Mar-11
Modified 5-Aug-23
Visitors 467
The Treig - Laggan line was built in the early 1930s for the construction of Laggan Dam and the Laggan - Treig tunnel.

Unlike the Upper Works Railway, it was not subsequently used for maintenance of the tunnel and intakes. Traces of the line and associated features remain however as shown in these photos taken in 2009 and 2010.







River Treig

River Treig

River Treig

River Treig

West Highland Railway

West Highland Railway

Fersit Workshops branch

Fersit Workshops branch

Fersit Workshops

Fersit Workshops

Fersit Camp Platform

Fersit Camp Platform

Treig - Laggan

Treig - Laggan

Treig - Laggan

Treig - Laggan

Treig - Laggan

Treig - Laggan

Treig - Laggan

Treig - Laggan

Treig - Laggan

Treig - Laggan

Treig - Laggan

Treig - Laggan

Treig - Laggan

Treig - Laggan

Adit A Junction

Adit A Junction

Adit A

Adit A

Adit A

Adit A

Intake C Junction

Intake C Junction